Alright, so here's another exciting chance to win not one but 4 copies of an up and coming book - Love, Logic and the God's Algorithm by Saptarshi Basu.
A book that started its release on 15th August, Love, Logic and the God's Algorithm is the story of the Saptak's transition from his 3G life (no, its not what you think - its guitar, grass, and girls) to his professional life. He is then bewildered by his repetive and boring work - until one day, he decides to leave. And start his own company based on an idea. Love, life, and other struggles await him. What is his idea? And will he get what he wants in life?
It is very simple to win this book! Simply answer the following question (which, incidentally) forms the CORE of the book.
How long can you wait to you hear your inner voice? How long can you wait to clear your heart’s doubt?
You can write your answer here as a comment (be sure to include your name and email address) or send over an email to
Additional credit?
We are giving you a chance to improve your chances of winning the book! Simply promote this book on social media like facebook, and send us a link along with your entry! (You can promote either of the following links: ( (Flipkart link) or (The novel's blog).
The give-away ends on 15th September, so get in your entries ASAP! Best of luck!